Weddings and Commitments

Worth the Wait


It is difficult to face life alone, but waiting for a good relationship is always worth the time. Bad relationships seem easy to find, and people suffer a great deal during and after they are over. The right person may be just around the corner, or they may currently be living in a far away land. No matter where they are, the single person has the work of finding them and creating a relationship that will last through all the ups and downs of life.

Families often struggle when one of their younger members cannot seem to find the person who is just right for them. They will do their best to find a mate, but these matches often go wrong. Sometimes the family has known the person for years, but they often ask friends if they know anyone who is single and looking for a relationship. Not knowing the person, they will set up a date for their loved one. The consequences of these types of matches are tales to curl the hair of single people for generations.

When a person finds someone who is just right for them, their life takes a turn for the best. They have now found someone who understands their views, and they can share their entire life with that one special person. They have an opportunity to build a life together, and they can plan for their own future as a couple.

Life without a partner is often difficult and extremely lonely, but it is better than being with someone who is not really right. The reason to be in a relationship is to attempt to build a life together. Taking the time to wait for a good relationship is an investment in a future life worth living. Committing to the next person to come along does not often work out, and the pain of that relationship may last a lifetime.